
受付 10:00〜18:00(平日・土曜)


HOME / アメリカ・ニューヨーク / 完全英語環境|ゲーム開発をするソフト会社3Dグラフィックデザイナー


求人番号 USC019
国名 アメリカ・ニューヨーク
都市名 マンハッタン
業種 IT/通信
企業詳細 この企業ではビデオゲームを通じて子供たちの体力と教育を実現しているゲーム開発ソフトウェア会社です。
仕事内容 The selected program participant will help fine-tune our existing prototypes using Unity 3D. He or she will prototype and build more games that utilize AR/VR in Unity/C#. Assist in building with mixed reality and video mapping hardware (Kinect, Arduino, Lightform, projectors) and experience setting up multiplayer games using Unity Multiplayer / Photon /etc.
給与 時給$18
勤務時間 週35時間-40時間
期間 12ヶ月
従業員数 10-20名
応募資格  Only applicants proficient in Unity Software should apply  Experience with 3D graphics and animation programming experience with Unity or similar  Experience with C/C++/C#/Objective C or Java  Experience with Unity Collab  Basic augmented / virtual reality experience  Experience with agile development  Ability to keep organized, readable, and easily maintainable code  Great attention to detail, self-motivated and collaborative
必要語学レベル ビジネス会話
ビザ アメリカJ-1ビザ
求人概要 Fusing physical education and video games is at the core of the host company’s vision. By using technology and augmented reality, the company is achieving physical fitness and education for children through video games. The host company is seeking skilled and motivated individuals with proficiency in Unity Software who is hoping to gain experience in a game development role.


電話でお問合せ 03-6278-8750
(受付時間10:00~18:00 平日・土曜)